Rockwood Nursery School

we love to learn and learn to love

  • Mascots
  • Eclipse
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • Cooper's Critters
    Cooper's Critters
  • Cooper's Critters
    Cooper's Critters
  • Fire Engine
    Fire Engine
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • 65th Anniversary
    65th Anniversary
  • Fire Engine
    Fire Engine
  • Maypole Dancing
    Maypole Dancing
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • Cooper's Critters
    Cooper's Critters
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017
  • Police Visit 2017
    Police Visit 2017

Parent/Carer Coffee and Chat with Faith - Tuesday 26th June

LHAC logo new

10:30 - 11:30am

2 - 5:30pm

Parent Coffee and Chat - come along and find out our plans for next year and give us ideas and feedback on your child's experiences at Rockwood.